Smoked Miso Baba Ganouch

Smoked Miso Baba Ganouch

If you've got a barbecue going this weekend why not add some Aubergine and smoking chips to make the base of this Baba Ganouch? Such a tasty dip which we've had here with vegtables and warm pita bread.


4 Large Aubergines

1 Teaspoon White Miso Paste

1 Teaspoon Tahini

50 - 100ml Virgin Olive Oil

Juice of 1 Lemon

1/2 Tin Chickpeas

Big Pinch of Salt

To serve:

Chopped Coriander

Pomegranate Seeds

Olive Oil

Pine Nuts


Throw the Aubergines on a hot BBQ with some smoking chips and cook until the skins are burnt.

Remove the aubergines from the BBQ and leave cool in a bowl.

Once cool remove the skin from the Aubergines. Put the remaining Aubergine in a blender.

Add the Miso Paste, Tahini, Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, Chickpeas and a big Pinch of Salt to the blender.

Blend until smooth.

Serve in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and either a sprinkle of Chopped Coriander, Pomegranate Seeds or Pine Nuts on top.


#julianneats #babaganouch #aubergine #dips #easyeats #sidedishes