Crushed Pea Pasta

Following on from yesterday's post I thought I’d share how I use the Crushed Peas as a sauce in this Crushed Pea Pasta. This 20 minute pasta dish is packed full of green vegetables and leaves perfect for a tasty mid week comfort meal.


300g Pasta (I’ve used Casarecce)

A Large Handful Kale

A Large Handful Spinach

1 Tablespoon Minced Garlic

Rapeseed Oil

2 Servings Crushed Peas


Put a pan of salted water on to boil. Once it reaches a rolling boil add the pasta.

Slice the green beans, kale and spinach.

Add the green beans to a frying pan with some rapeseed oil. Place over a medium heat and cook for a few minutes.

Add the kale, spinach and mince garlic to the pan.

Mix everything together cook for a further few minutes until the leaves have wilted.

Drain and add the pasta to the frying pan.

Add in two servings of crushed peas toss everything together and cook for 2 minutes until the peas have have warmed through.
