Creamy Rocket and Pistachio Tagliatelle

There is nothing I love to eat more than pesto pasta. This summer Chris and I have been experimenting with different pesto combinations using fresh leaves from our vegetable garden. This rocket and pistachio pesto is a great combination we’ve come across and well worth a try if you’re looking to mix up your normal pesto pasta.


300g Fresh Rocket

100g Shelled Pistachios

100g Parmesan

1 Teaspoon Smoked minced garlic

Half a Lemon

Quarter Teaspoon Baking Powder

1 Cup Olive Oil

2 Courgettes




1 Egg Yolk


Preheat your oven to 200°C.

Put a pan of salted water on to boil. Once it reaches a rolling boil add the tagliatelle.

Place your pistachios onto a baking tray and put in the oven for approximately 5 minutes to toast them.

While the pistachios are in the oven blanch half the rocket in hot water for a few seconds and then drain it.

Take the pistachios out of the oven and add them to the blender.

Grate 100g parmesan cheese into the blender.

Chop up the blanched rocket and add to the blender with the garlic, the juice of half a lemon and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder.

Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the blender and switch it on to start making the pesto.

Put some oil with a large pinch of salt and pepper in a frying pan, turn on to high. Dice up your courgettes and add them to the pan, flipping every few minutes to evenly brown.

While the courgettes are browning add a pinch of salt and sugar along with a cup more olive oil to the blender to make the pesto a creamy texture.

Roughly half of the pesto and mix with the yolk of one egg.

Drain the tagliatelle, add the remaining rocket and tagliatelle to the courgette pan with a cup of water.

Mix together, then add the pesto and egg mixture.Toss everything together and serve hot.

#pestopasta #rocketpistachiopesto #tagliatelle #pastarecipes #veggierecipes #julianneats #easyeats #pistachio #rocket