Shredded Beetroot and Red Onion Tartlets

These 15 minute Shredded Beetroot and Red Onion Tartlets are delicious. A great quick dinner or lunch option with pantry and fridge favourites.
A Packet of Ready Rolled Puff Pastry
Half a Jar Green Pesto
1 Red Onion
1 Beetroot
50g Feta (Or Feta Alternative)
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Slice your puff pastry into six rectangles.
Add a tablespoon of pesto to the middle of each rectangle and spread out.
Finely slice the red onion and spread it across the six tarlets.
Grate the beetroot over each tart let.
Slice up the feta into small chuncks and add to the top of the tarlets.
Put into the oven for approximately 10 minutes.
#puffpastrytartlets #shreddedbeetroot #redonion #feta #easyeats #quickdinners #julianneats #food
Julia Parr